Our Philosophy
At CNS, each day is a wonderful adventure.
At Community Nursery School (CNS) of Wayland, Inc., we believe that the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of the preschool child is enhanced by nursery school. At CNS, we focus on the growth and development of the whole child.
In our preschool, each child is helped to:

We feel that preschool activities encourage each child to relate to others through listening, sharing, taking turns, following directions and concentrating on activities. This is achieved by participation that is structured in a warm and supportive atmosphere within developmentally appropriate classes.
On a typical day at CNS, you would observe a wide range of activities, interactions and circumstances, all supportive of our philosophical approach to the education of small children. Children learn to play cooperatively, communicating with developing language skills. As children progress from our 3 year old program to our 4-5 year old programs, they become very social little people. In the 2 day program, the children are more focused on the activity or toy that attracts them. As the children mature and move into the 3 day program, they are more interested in who is working on an activity or playing with a particular toy. The 3 year old classes tend to be quieter than our highly social 4-5 year old classrooms, but snack time or lunch time is filled with conversation, jokes and laughter in all the classrooms.
What a healthy, wonderful environment for young children!