All of the CNS preschool programs provide a wide-ranging play experience under the supervision of experienced teachers.
Our environment and curriculum are geared to children of the same developmental age. The curriculum emphasizes play, social interaction and creativity, and encourages curiosity and the development of self-esteem by emphasizing the child’s ability to make choices for themselves.
Daily Activities & Curriculum
At CNS, we offer an integrated thematic curriculum in a play-based classroom. This environment helps children to make connections and organize information about the themes we study through fun activities that they enjoy! We build
To Peers – encourage students to build friendships with classmates
To Adults – teach them the dynamics of a classroom and interaction with teachers
To The Curriculum – How the subjects we study connect to their lives
To express their ideas and feelings
In their knowledge and abilities
Foster discovery about our themes/subjects by reinforcing them through play, teacher-directed activities, and independent activities
Social Emotional
- Being part of a group, sharing, taking turns, standing in a line
- Being a “good friend”
- Independence
- Expressing feelings verbally
- Advocating for yourself and others when appropriate
- Following School Rules and Routines
Language Arts
- Identifying and writing letters
- Recognizing and writing your name
- Starting to identify letter sounds
- Learning about books – listening to stories, poems, nursery rhymes, songs
- Author studies and dramatic retelling of stories
- Answering questions and sharing their ideas about stories
- Sorting and manipulating objects to understand size, shape, color
- Counting – By ones, fives, and tens
- Patterning and sequencing
- Learning about weather, animals and their habitats, the 5 Senses, planting and growing, the environment.
- Making predictions and examining evidence
Sensory/Fine Motor
- Developing the correct grip for writing and cutting with scissors
- Using fingers or tongs to sort and organize objects
- Exploring through mediums such as sand, water, rice and beans, shaving cream, paint, and “slime”
Physical/Gross Motor
- Get moving! It’s important and it’s fun!
- Building strength, stability, coordination, flexibility and body awareness
Class Schedules 2023-2024

An optional stay-day will be offered to the two-day preschool program beginning in September. Children have the option of staying from 11:45AM to 1PM or 2PM, daily. Please send a lunch when children are staying for a long day. The fee will be billed twice during the year – February and May.
June Bugs
Community Nursery School of Wayland also offers an extended June Program for those families that were enrolled during the school year and are looking for something for their pre-schoolers for the first three weeks following our preschool year, while your others might still be in school or before summer activities start up. Activities will include arts and crafts, games, water play, story time, free play, and much more. Please bring your own snack and lunch. You may choose to enroll your child in the entire session each week (4 days) or 2 days a week.